Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 08:10 Id: f9f084 No.4882 del
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>trying out Android development in Kotlin, Google's language
I guess this can serve as an example for why you shouldn't set your mind to learn something without any experience of it.

Google's Android Studio is utter shit. At first I thought maybe it's my computer, may lack of skill or such, because I don't know anything. But it became clear after a few weeks, that everyone on the course forum had the same problems.

The IDE itself breaks constantly. Apps will crash with no indication as to why, debugging is a blindfolded walk in a dark forest at night. The only help you get is
>a link to a forum
given by the debugger. WTF.

Apps will suddenly and randomly break and become impossible to fix as a result of bugs in the IDE. The problems are then impossible to reproduce a second time, but I saw on the forum that several people experienced the exact same bugs. This makes every move in the IDE a step into a mine field.

Copying your project to be safe? Oh no, Android Studio requires a very specific naming convention, you can't add "copy1" to the folder name, it won't "see" the app if you did that.

You accidentally (unknowingly) imported an image file which didn't use the Android naming convention which has some very specific and random rules for what is accepted? Well sorry, you can't un-import the file and the App will now crash. You are not allowed to fix it, it's irreversible!

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