Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 14:31 Id: f9f084 No.4897 del
Get some workplace experience, there's a lot you won't understand unless you get to see and feel what the social interactions actually lead to when working for money vs working on something "for fun". Things always get reduced to the lowest skill level, people turn into IQ 60 lizards when working, and you can't explain anything complex to them under stress. Now I'm generalizing, but people can often come up with things that are so retarded you would never have been able to imagine it before you saw it yourself.

Like the tranny politics today where skill is seen as secondary even in technical jobs, it's forcing you to widen your view, you still need skill, but what kind of skill, it may not be what the education seems to indicate. Also even if there are deadlines, forget about treating these as strict things, or even time overall. If you don't learn how to deal with them, either by delivering the bare minimum or by finding ways to postpone when needed, you'll overwork yourself for no reason. The retard who managed to get out without working is the one who wasn't burned out, and still shows up after the weekend. The boss will only see that he's still there. No one cares about your effort, they care about not being annoyed. Be prepared to mentally bribe them, anything that makes the social connection with your actual employer work better. Who makes the decisions and who is a grunt talking big but having no say in the matter? This is the important part.

>mood took a nosedive at the beginning of this month due to the expectation of getting employed
Don't invest emotionally in it, treat it as an activity for learning instead of as something you have to do to get past something.

They'll tell you to research the place you are applying to and so on, but if you do this artificially it may only work at some large place where the recruiter knows as little as you and only follows a template. If it's a small private supermarket you're better off trying to connect socially with the owner than using some external "technique", like talking about where you live and what your hobbies are.