Sunflower 11/10/2023 (Fri) 23:37 Id: 645240 No.4915 del
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>Not sure what that is
Undead Unluck
Nothing serious it's just some characters are incarnated with laws of nature powers or able to Negate the laws of nature... and we just had one whose ability is just to turn everyone into zombies.
And it seems those who misuse the "rules" are mad when you use your own to oppose them and turn their own power against them. Funny how it works huh.

>"Humanity will always live on"
The only command there is that the "seed of humanity needs to live on". if you fail at that then... well... other forces will activate and let's say not everyone is capable of handling those.

Also I like that the MC semi lobotomizes himself so he doesn't have to remember all the memories of his long life because that would make him go crazy... Such an unrelatable character h-haha

My mind body complex still managing to build up the connections so all of them can return

>using super expensive "slaves" bought from aliens
And yeah there was a point when there were like
>guise why don't we try to mix and splice from these beings that were stolen before the great calamity number [REDACTED] instead of starting from scratch as usual

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