Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 10:56 Id: d6b0c7 No.4917 del

Hyperboria, or the hyper-boring people as I prefer to call them, were one of the groups trying to create the one-world government by uniting the planet. They used a mega system as shown on this map, called the iron cross. It is however better understood as the cross of Saint Peter, with the long arm stretching down to the Americas. It is uncertain if the hyperborings knew this detail. When correctly used, it channels the masculine aspect of the universal forces. It is also connected to the black sun, both physically on the map here, and symbolically and representatively.

When applied with no restrictions, it turns into (gay)fascism. The regular Christian cross as we normally know it, associated with Jesus and the Roman execution method, represents the feminine aspect. (This is also how Jesus represents the "cuck-religion" where his father was quite literally cucked by God, its symbolism places women as the dominant factor.)

The black sun is a major force of nature of planet Earth. It exists inside the planet and radiates black light. This sun has a chemical process which feeds off negative energy. When the darkness spreads over the Earth at night, the black sun is cleansing the surface of negative energy. If there was no black sun, things would quickly deteriorate on a planet like this one. Night time would also not be as dark, black light appears as shadows. Lack of sunlight does not produce the same kind of darkness.

Black suns are also personal forces of nature, deities who deal with negative energy. They may appear to be the origin of the "dom" persona, wearing black leather and high heel boots while cursing and whipping people. Channelling this energy of the black sun will create this culture.