Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:01 Id: 43e343 No.4948 del
Oh don't worry it will get worse. As your energies manifest you will have a stronger pull towards things with the same energy. So you will get weirded out more until you get used to it and understand what is reality trying to tell you.

>a savior and such
Calling him a savior is not exactly wrong but...
I mean the second coming of Christ is supposed to cause an apocalypse and he needs to defeat his "anti-persona" so saving others from your own retardation still counts as a savior huh...

>the game was about lightning being put in the role of a savior, having to save a bunch people, including her former friends' souls before the world ends in 13 days
Regular "Zeus" scenario. Also I too had to become a living lightning too. It's just about lessons about vajra and the electric currents of reality.
>13 days
Very Jesusy
Did MC save Judas too when he sorta agreed to a fate that one of his friends will accept the fate of the traitor and kinda let him die the worst death?
I shouldn't be so hard on Jesus. The whole energetic and egregoric mess that was around him was not easy to untangle. I looked at multiple timelines and Jesus gave a second wind for the Roman Empire. I am not saying it was the best course of events but making more out from that would take a greater sacrifice. In the end he played his cards right.

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