Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 12:08 Id: d6b0c7 No.4981 del
I found myself on the back side of my house in a dream...

The landscape was bleak, almost colourless, slightly yellowish or light orange in tone. I was talking with childhood friends, we were looking for something. The old free standing potato cellar, covered with grass, was the center of the scene, along with the rack for outdoor drying of clothes. Maybe the lid of the well was there too, I'm not sure. It is in that spot, so in an old fashioned sense, this would have been a central location.

My first class teacher was also there, and a classmate I never considered a friend. They were both friendly and personal in that positive manner someone like that will only appear in dreams. Maybe this is what people experience in near death moments, what do I know. It wasn't surprising, the feeling was light and free. Too light

I found myself floating off the ground, drifting slowly backwards towards the forest behind the house. But I was facing the house, so I never really saw the forest. It was a free feeling, light.

A sudden wind caught me, but I didn't move much faster, I was trying to swim in the air, to some success. I know this method, I've done this before in dreams, but rarely in the later years. It was a long time since, actually. The people who had been talking to me were swept off the ground and flew past me. I floated backwards as if trying to swim upstream, I saw a door frame pass me, I had been swept through a very large door. It was a wooden door in Jugend style, painted white with a hint of light blue. I felt that I shouldn't be in here, but was unable to swim back out. The door closed, the people who had been swept past me disappeared into the darkness behind me.

I felt still relaxed and light inside, but it didn't feel right. A huge hand, white like paint, suddenly appeared from behind me, reaching over my right shoulder. A strong, almost booming voice spoke telepathically to me:

"You shouldn't be here, quickly, get out"

The hand grabbed the right doorframe and tore a large chunk of wood out, leaving a hole. I flew towards that hole, and found myself very small, tiny, and the door huge, almost celestial in size, as I flew out through the small opening in the right doorframe.

At this moment I woke up.

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Edited last time by bard on 11/15/2023 (Wed) 12:15.