Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 00:26 Id: 0758b2 No.5113 del
Either way, this thing with the egg, the cosmic egg, first time I heard it mentioned was from FighterSword talking about it in the context of that game, Shin Megami Tensei. I also felt something about that, and around the same time that "art video" or whatever it was, was released. The somewhat annoying "the egg" where some god is forced to awaken by being all humans on the planet. Principally correct if you are a complete karmic retard, but not like that.

Reincarnation of the true goddess

or something.

It doesn't sound entirely wrong in that context. Add that purely evil organic process where the evil elites of a planet form themselves into hard karmic minerals to become the eggshell which will protect the embryo by being hard to destroy, like karma is hard to destroy, with anyone trying to break the shell having to take on their sins, making breaking of the egg before the goddess hatches, an impossible task.