Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:28 Id: a4f19f No.5130 del
>Because when you posted and I looked into you you were talking about how your sisters always turn you into a doll and I didn't wanted to call you "sister anon".
that's fair. at first when you called me that i had assumed it was someone from 4chan observing me or something (not that i'm very subtle but still) Yeah, agree this is better than "sister anon", that would actually make me feel awkward honestly O_O
>>>4703 the thing I wrote about here.
OHHHH, i swear im becoming more and more absent minded as of late. After rereading it, the angelic thing does kind of make sense in regard to a certain thing a few months back atleast
>It's dimensional structuring. It means it is close to earth in a way.