Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:23 Id: 5d87d8 No.5146 del
I knew there was no violence there it's just a "fuck off" reflex that comes out when some parts of me feels some intent mixed with hostility or... exploity? Can't explain. Not exactly violence it's just like staring at someone in a way to signal that I don't like what they are saying.
>It's a feature of the design.
It must be or those places get messy real quick. It's just the energies of what is "allowed" are not clear for me because it is "new" so my mind does not autoregister it. The way of operation and customs of sorts. It's a when someone says something what he "means" by it. Most places I visit have a sort of "trust mindwave" where no one can talk or think in any misleading way.

>I think you need to learn to relax around people though.
Yeah that's an understatement. I have a bad habit of either becoming the life of a party or people want to lynch me. This is why I usually scan situations because I am bad at reading the room and have a habit of "rewriting the room" without noticing.
They gave me a "we wait you back with love :)" sticker after I left and some maids polished my balls because they were ordered to do that