Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 18:38 Id: d238bc No.5222 del
Oh and it seems they actually took my advice from complaining on Discord about the low standard of western armed forces (good to see you actually make something off the spying!), one of the guards on the ship had a combat knife and was able to cut Raid's throat, I have to recognize that you got a first hit in!
The other doll who got hit twice by Japanese swords before is set to attack rather than deflect so maybe that made it easier, but she's been raiding NWO tunnels too so if that was the case she'd been hit before as well.

In WW1 it took 2 years and millions dead before the armies learned to crawl rather than run when attacking machine gun positions. I was wondering when some kind of learning would appear in this conflict. It seems no one learned anything in Ukraine, so this has to be a first sign anyone adapted to the situation.

Maybe humanity isn't completely lost.