Sunflower 12/13/2023 (Wed) 17:09 Id: d6b0c7 No.5299 del
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I also created another means for dealing with the situation, which included time control. A side effect of this was that I was able to see historical scenes in full view. Earth's entire history got rewinded like a VHS tape before my eyes, with the key scenes played up at normal speed.

This story told here was mostly from channelling and manually checking different scenes from the akashic records.

What I saw now gave a slightly different view:

The first period had no important events aside from original humans ascending to a "sky castle", the white sphere where they still stay. The ending scene here had some of them waiting by the ascension tunnel for the last ones to join them, but they never showed up. There was a slight sadness and longing over this.

The next period, aliens showed up, but not much happened aside from Uranus being created to burn the negative energy created by humanity's activities. The light of Uranus was strongly green and created a weird distorted mindset. It was as if looking through too strong glasses - all the time. The ending scene was the artificial sun turning dark after 25 000 years, and the Galactic Federation saying
"Told you so"
and leaving after putting Saturn back as the sun.

After this, period 3; Moloch - the horror begins

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