Sunflower 12/13/2023 (Wed) 17:10 Id: d6b0c7 No.5300 del
Period 5; Babylon

The vampires got tired of socializing only with their small group of immortals, so they brought some humans up to the surface again to civilize them. They taught them language and culture and eventually some of them were turned into vampires. To control the humans living on the surface, preventing them from becoming insane cannibals, a control system was created. It used alien technology where towers were used to transmit mind control waves, and the humans were not allowed to have normal souls, instead vampires created golem souls which could be programmed. They also created an elite of humans who were allowed to have real souls, carefully selected. This elite became the concept of "government". New vampires were recruited from this elite.

Over time, some real souls slipped into the slave class, and some golems slipped into the government class. This lead to the creation of "social justice", when real souls rebelled against the golem government. This became the fall of Babylon. During this period, two small fake suns were used, Pluto and Mercury.

Social justice became the end of Babylon.

Period 6; Atlantis

Vampires took help from aliens again, and built the Babel's Tower, this time very high and connected to a very effective fake sun, Venus. They started a massive human sacrifice ritual which kept going day and night. Any sign of rebelliousness would lead to that person becoming a burned sacrifice. The smoke filled the air, causing a smog worse than London in the industrial era. To get away from this, the vampires built high towers to live in, which rose above the clouds.

During this period, an elaborate magic system was created, the foundation of modern language and writing was laid, as well as modern culture. Fashion was close to the aristocracy in the European 1700s.

Period 7; the rest is history...

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