Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 20:32 Id: 645240 No.5331 del
From the American Gods I learned that there is a "gay god" in chinese history too.

This is the effect of "being backed by the USA" in Asia.
This is why Mao was "allowed" to take over. Without communism taking over China and the other regions we would have several "worst koreas". And not with meager "western mind viruses" like "feminism" which was cranked to eleven via religious fanaticism but other masonic elitist retardations also. Like ofc the chinese gay god temple was reestabilished in Taiwan for "gay matchmaking". I love that how gays portray how they are just in love and that's all and not that the average homosexual man has 100s of sexpartners and STDs beyond the current scope of medical expertise. The chinese dynasty no matter how authorian they were they were always incompetent handling matters like these. And if the commies failed we would have gotten an absolutely shitty version of the USA but instead of wealth and materialistic degeneracy increased spiritual degeneracy. Feminists? Gays? The mere tip of the iceberg. There were far more worse things there. You think pajeets ritually swimming and eating shit and drinking urine is disgusting or chinks eating aborted fetus soup is just not normal? The things that were there without the "west" seeing it is unspeakable. Mao killed millions? He did. He was a retard. But without him even more people would have died but we would have no one to blame because it was "democracy". Can't even imagine how it would have ended. The colonialists couldn't even handle Africa with their simple culture and they were unable to handle the American continent because of the large distance. The deeper parts of Asia? Fucking Brits couldn't even hold Hong Kong. There was need for order there and no power was there to make it happen. Chinese was never about prosperity but more about keeping control. And once they established themselves and became unmatched they instantly went into decay... Imagine being ruled by eunuchs. Oh wait we have trannies in power now... Chinks had that even before the "first world".

Being able to see the deeper reasons behind some horrors that happened in history is not always a pleasant truth. Not just because it's an unsavory truth but because it makes me think through my decisions I am making on the path.

We think the world is a crazy place today. It was always a crazy place but not everyone had screens front of them informing us of the crazyness. Back then there were just weird rumors that you could just choose not to believe or take seriously.