Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 09:54 Id: d238bc No.5484 del
I wouldn't be so sure, I've been clearing NWO meddlers every week now using the Raid servitors and there are always some more layer hidden away. Just now I uncovered a group working on people's subconscious by inserting generic emotional ideas and fragments meant for the person to "conclude" certain approved ideas as if it was their own. When I started resisting them actively I was attacked with a strong intentional energy concentration. Well strong compared, it was clear this group doesn't do combat normally.

I released a new Raid-based servitor to deal with this function specifically. No sigil for this, but if you want to see if there is a difference, you can try it by focusing on this word [submeme] here in this post and imagining a spinning cogwheel. From the wheel a fairy-like doll will appear. Ask for help in solving this problem.
Do share if you try and there was an effect.