Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 21:25 Id: da3f9f No.5561 del
>message from the NWO control system
As if... They control so few aspects it's ridiculous.
>it's another thing I've never felt
How do you feel something that is always there? How do you feel all the servers the internet is connected towards.
>I've only ever felt a connection with certain people individually
Like how you personally connect to websites based on your preferences?
Connecting to "everyone" is not a pleasant feeling as those right hand pathers think. There is ugliness there quite a lot. There is a reason how we can(not) access these parts.

And I am aware how different we connect to things. We all have our "range". I am quite bad with infernals for example.

>I've only ever felt a connection with certain people individually
Also I never really "felt it". It was just simply "there". My strongest emotion towards others was hate. I have other emotions and my "hate" is still not the majority and I am disassembling it because it just ruins my energywork but I had to go through many things to understand how much that emotion is part of my being. Just had an another lesson with it today. Will take it apart. It is more of an annoyance than a "power" but that was the first emotion that made stand up from the pit of pointlessness.

As I wrote this I realized. My strongest emotion was hope... and rage just gave me the initiate towards that hope... then it clouded my judgement and made me forget hope and why I got angry again. And that moment of confusion just led towards more confusion.

>can't connect with the human experience

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