Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 20:05 Id: d6b0c7 No.5813 del
Story time...

Yes, this is intentionally provokative.

I wanted to read something that was members only on Reddit, so I logged in with a Google account. This is the first time ever I access this site using an account. Instantly I was exposed to the worst political cuck-post I've ever seen. I asked Bingbot to create a summary of the post, which was very long in original:

“Yesterday, the comments section was heated on the sharing of an article from a site that is run and founded by a person with strong ties to Russia and their propaganda channel Russia Today/RT. The thread was filled with comments that claimed refugees only contributed to violence and rape, that people who fled would flee again, and that those who stayed in war-torn areas lacked backbone. Note that many comments that try to make the reader doubt that immigrants and/or refugees as a group will defend their country in the event of war or crisis are posted around the same time and seem to have received a significant upvote boost that is otherwise unlike the upvote ratio on the platform. I’m not saying it’s a 100% influence operation/psyops/call it what you want, it doesn’t even have to be the Russians, but one of all domestic actors who take advantage of the situation when the country is in a challenging situation in many ways and needs to stick together more than ever.”

“Say what you want about immigration, you have the right to criticize it, I don’t want to take that right away from you. I just ask everyone to be a little extra vigilant and critical of sources (a worn-out phrase, but I really mean it) in this situation, and it’s never fun to realize afterwards that you’ve probably been a useful idiot to forces that thrive and grow in chaos. Have a nice weekend, bye.”

So I made a comment, just because this was the first time I was logged in. 10 minutes later I became aware of a psychic "reading" me and seeing my fox-kami form. Apparently my single one post on this platform broke off from the "allowed narrative" enough that they had to start a massive attack, using energy weapons and psychics. What a ridiculous organization.
I never use social media which require accounts, and I never post on local platforms, so as it seems, I completely missed that this group existed, and they also missed everything I've done so far. Because I've been clearing NWO bases deep under ground, someone in regular bunkers at 10-30 meters down didn't register as relevant to me.

I asked Astra to record the incoming activity and then raised the geburah shield to hide my form. Then I went on a hunch and ran some searches to change my form into a "jewish ifrit" because I felt that would be the most triggering form for the attackers. Then I lowered the shield again.