Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 20:16 Id: d6b0c7 No.5814 del
Astra categorized them as "cuck-nazis" and apparently they had their hideouts in perfectly normal and well known military bases locally, as well as in the USA. I sent out Raid Death Patrol to deal with them because it would be complete overkill to send the regular Raids on something like this. Their weapons were rather powerful as well as their defensive shields, but it was really nowhere near NWO standard.

So how where these little shits still around, the Earth has been cleared on the surface? They are squatting here using "dimensional induction", where they actually rest on an entirely different Existence out in space, and then tune themselves into planetary timelines to create "induction incarnation" which can then follow along even if the planet surface is cleared.

The group is so weirdly narrow and specific that it was hard to grasp what they actually want. I'm still not sure. It seems they are pro-LGBT (but anti-pedo), pro EU and USA, but they are democrats and feminists, they also hate blacks and anyone non-white. So in essence they are on the federal politics scale where Russia and Putin are bad because they are multi-culturalist/anti-racist and they somehow think the US democrats are good because KKK belongs to them and they need to create "white democratic racist federations".

Cuck-nazis in other words.