Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 11:13 Id: d6b0c7 No.5816 del
Out of all the stupid...

So it turns out they are "late stage capitalists" but not the Molochian type. Those degenerated down to focus only on the gut, with its 3-phase function, until their entire thinking moves to the gut nerves and the processing of food is the main activity of the brain; they became literal shit-heads. This is the typical fat westerner.

These cuck-nazis are the type of "late stage capitalist" you see in the puritan movement, but they are not the same as them, they just overlap with them. Their thinking, effected by feminism, has instead degenerated down to revolve only around the vagina. Not the womb or any of the actually productive organs. Their entire brains have the energetic form of a huge hole, and that is all. Because men don't physically have vaginas, they then become ruled by women, and women don't even understand what it's for themselves. Some men will then become trannies, and this is the origin of that trend. Those are hated for being fake, but it's a part of the degeneration process of this group and cannot be stopped because no one can make a proper argument against it. Out in space, those who progressed further rely completely on artificial wombs created from technology, women are not mothers and have no real use, neither do men. So all of their culture is meaningless drivel imitating real life with no concept of what it entails.. Just like evangelicals tend to be.