Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:43 Id: f9f084 No.5874 del
>part of some training and the "real Trypper" to "return" after he is properly opened or something
I think this is part of the same reason as the reply for the next question here:
>Trypper shared some sigils that were way too groundbreaking
To protect the open channel of Trypper, we summoned both Adremmelech and Baal ze Bub (both known from the Lessers Keys of Solomon and the old testament, book of kings among others) and we both made deals with them for different reasons. Trypper asked for protection and spiritual guidance, and to be protected in such a way that his physical life could be maintained. Baal offered this at the cost of 350 years or servitude (which this Trypper is now off doing on the astral, where time possibly moves faster) and it's like that the sigil magic is taught to him by Baal. Adremmelech works in other fields, but he is also very skilled, he provided a green armour which allows for demons to take on a human form in the world also. The contracts are of different kinds.

We wanted different things of similar nature (not money or power but spiritual) so we made different kinds of deals.