Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:52 Id: f9f084 No.5875 del
There's this thing which becomes obvious when you have past or astral lives in female form to compare with, and more so when those are literal whores. I guess it will just sound like some fetish stuff when written here, but consider this: Why do women so often go for "black beasts", murderers or worse as partners? Why do lesbians like so ugly women?

Men look outside of themselves for something to "complete" them, and they will feel that the "dirt" of them will be justified if a woman accepts them. For women, they already have that "justifying" power in themselves, so they are rather looking for contrast. This is one reason why these ancient demons can be ugly and monstrous by modern standards, it doesn't matter, and they know that the females will say "I hate you, you're disgusting", but then they'll still come back because they're impressed by their power.

And this same mechanic is why these interactions work.