Sunflower 01/17/2024 (Wed) 22:04 Id: 5d87d8 No.5879 del
>at the cost of 350 years or servitude (which this Trypper is now off doing on the astral, where time possibly moves faster
After reading this I got a "message" of sorts that while the "years" are correct but it is a different measure system. It is "years" because that is a concept humans can somewhat understand. Remember in the past instead of kilometer and other distance measures people said.
>going to this town is a 3 day walk
So the "servitude measure" is that
>if walking up to the mountain to give the sacred goat a milkshake takes 1 year to complete then if you complete that task it is 1 year completed
It doesn't matter if it is 1 year or 2 seconds in "time spent". You might ask what happens if it takes longer... Well then they don't give you the task then because that means you really suck at that task and you shouldn't even do it by default. That doesn't mean they cannot "Motivate you" with funny means.
>it's like that the sigil magic is taught to him by Baal
I am not sure but what they told me "they are drawing out her power". This is how Trypper is learning his own "style" I think. Angel magic is complicated to ground into earthly ways.

Also managed to connect to the energies again and learned new kind of interesting things. I mentioned before that her realm counts as a "lower heaven" of sorts. I got an image of that and a name too Ahmantahla? (channeling names is still hard for me) and the interesting thing is that it is a sort of "scholarly heaven" of sorts and then I asked her what is "current earth's designation" then and she said current earth is an "entertainment world"... I learned too much implications about the current human nature with that understanding
>which becomes obvious when you have past or astral lives in female form to compare with
For me it is more complicated and might /blog/ about that later because for me it is not so simple. The "theme" u wrote is a good starting point to explain but it is a long story. I don't want to hijack this thread for that.

>seems my ability to differentiate colors improves when I'm souled

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