Sunflower 02/08/2024 (Thu) 13:44 Id: d6b0c7 No.6204 del
Ending free will

What we know as liberal democracy, was created through the release of a new principle, more commonly known as "free will" by the Ripper in the 1880s. This was followed by the popularization of forensic science and detective work, through the books by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle. Previously, police were more like security guards, hired thugs whose main task is to prevent crime by patrolling and guarding on location. Crime investigations were based off the idea of delivering punishment for sins based on a Christian perception, adopted by the ruling class as a way to dispose of illoyals.

The new doctrine was that humans have free will, and instead of preventing crime, we will create an extensive system for finding and punishing criminals, and this will have a deterring effect. This dichotomy creates a certain freedom, more space to move in, and as such soon became popular. It also allowed for the creation of international police syndicates and organizations linking into secret societies, who were now able to present themselves to the public as "civil servants".

This entire endeavor however served a different purpose: to allow for evil to manifest, so that data could be collected on the patterns and behaviours of evil. It also had the effect of exposing all these secret societies who now came forward out of their own "free will" (lol).