Sunflower 02/08/2024 (Thu) 13:57 Id: d6b0c7 No.6205 del
The author of these posts was not directly aware of this plan, it was carried out from a different timeline. This entire "project" has now ended. The principles of existence, time and space, dictate that anyone creating and releasing something also has the right to withdraw the same thing. Anyone who cultivated their own version of said "thing" have internalized it and that thing is their own. But anyone who merely used it will at this point find themselves shut out from access. Your license has now ended, no more free will!

Many beings in many dimensions, entire galactic systems in faster timelines even, have adopted "free will" and used it to perform immense evil. They are now banned from using this principle, because evil as they are, they never internalized it, they only used it.

The original creator, the copyright holder, of "free will" has decided that enough is enough, and the data has been collected. One way to deal with the evil who used it, is to just strip them of free will and let them rot while they pile on enormous negative energy (karma) in trying to create new cosmic principles. Just as stated in Zhuan Falun (one of the real principles stated), if someone tries to create a new law, their sin is as huge as heaven itself. It's not said so, but the regular person will find himself in a very long hell if doing so, while the higher being, the creator god, has the ability to just brute force through that karma, and for this reason can create new cosmic laws. There is no trick to it, it's just a matter of power. Evil does not have this power.

In an act of benevolence, a new system will be created, has been created, where the evil beings will have their free will replaced by a karmic principled system. This will be incorporated with NET and its bordering systems, including the new WNET for witches, the grey system, Holy (angels) and so on.