Sunflower 01/25/2022 (Tue) 19:51:06 Id: 972fd5 No.626 del
>I'm controlling a video game avatar most of the time, so it's hard for me to take it personally when its attacked.

y-yeah who would go on a revenge quest to hunt down everyone who dared to ever insult his videogame character/persona. Certainly not 70%+ of the gamers.
Giving them an inch usually means you are willing to give even more. I mean luring them in with a false sense of security is also a good tactic if you have complete control of the situation, but letting things escalate out of your control is always dangerous. Although my problem is that I bite sometimes a little too early because misinterpreting intentions. I have to work on this constantly.

Now I understand what it means "walking on eggshells can become addicting". Good thing the more perfect my combo gets the more I want to fuck it up. Interacting with vampires is fun. A real being a wolf among wolves experience

>I literally cut my own throat in one of my past lives and was resurrected again. I'm immune to attacks against the throat, so I just shrugged like "ok whatever".

I had something like this. I was ambushed in a past life and when I was almost killing the last of my ambusher with my own hands. Arrows appeared and everyone died. The next thing I was aware that I am alone. I am still not sure if I died there or not. But in a later dream when I got hit by arrows, everyone died around me but me. I still wonder why.

>elite hockey players were subjected to an abusive ritual when entering the team as a new player for the first time.

this is some typical thing in hockey (and in other team based sports too). I heard stories from other people about this. I have no idea what even gives them this mentality.

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