Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:14 Id: 3e1480 No.6350 del
K I got too mad again.
The Pagoda explained this to me once when I asked it why I am appearing as Daimyo there. They told me because I care about the land and the state of things more than I care about myself and I cannot be personally "pushed" that easily. I fear my own weaknesses more than I fear my enemies.

I asked how other people are "classified" and they told me you are a "flower seller" in a city. You operate a shop for you the most important are your own valuables your own garden where you cultivate your flowers and your clientele. For me "wasting humans" is bad for the ecology "of my lands" so if I want war I need a "real reason" and most importantly enough people that are itching for a fight (I have too many entities like that already) but only when it is not disturbing the harvest. The Greeks had a saying. Spring Harvest War. These were the seasons for them. For me it is important that I am not using resources for nothing because that just shows my weaknesses. For you the city is alive and you are unable to "overtake it" but you can influence it in your favor as much as you want. For you the most important is the turn rate of your customers and that you are "respectable" in your field and you are able to maintain your skills. For me my skills are no different than the skills of my subjects. A ruler is not learning fighting to be the best fighter but to understand his own fighters. A ruler that fears battles are unable to understand the situations a war brings therefore unable to make a proper decision. While the ruler can be "described" as the "head" he needs to feel and know everything his subjects do or think otherwise he is no ruler just merely a guy in a chair.

Also I literally have personal fighting forces but while yours are "funded police Raids" mine are like "pillagers" that will plunder the territory for enough resources to even "come through"/manifest because no one fights for no reason. Those who fight for no reason are no warriors but criminals. Not even beasts fight without a reason. Well fed Lions are not chasing prey for the sake of "fun". That useless cruelty appeared when humans had "too much freetime" and had too much degeneration in the air that made them crave a feeling they don't know how to sate anymore. Warriors don't fight for the sake of war they fight for peace. They fight for the peace of their own and for their own people. Soldiers are the "puppets" of the state while mercenaries are killers for hire.

This was not about berating the way you do things but just explaining how I have to do things so I do not go mad in the process. This world is maddening but it does not know real madness either. This is the problem with normalfags. They don't understand how mad they are while they fear anything "different" from them.