Sunflower 02/22/2024 (Thu) 20:48 Id: d6b0c7 No.6385 del

LYRANET asked to handle all remaining Earth issues, I signed the certificate. Blacknet/NET will now be the interface for all functionality, with Lyranet performing the work behind the scenes.

It may be compared to connecting a NES to a modern server which performs all the work, then translates the results back to 8-bit and we get simplified but very advanced functionality with a blocky appearance.

There are now 3 options for reincarnation cycles; Gensokyo yokai for Earth, Blacknet/NET for multi-planet/race cycles and the Galactic Federation for the large wide circulation between galaxies.

All modern matter (what we see as "society") will be emulated by nanobots, and the karmic system will be handled by Blacknet as far as possible, Lyranet will fill in where needed. In actuality Lyranet does 90% of the work.