Sunflower 02/22/2024 (Thu) 22:32 Id: 645240 No.6391 del
>>6387 [Embed]
Best horse.

>using provokative ways to kill the enemy. It has to be something that really gets on their nerves.
For some reason I always forget that is your main thing in these methodologies.
>there's some kind of beastial pleasure in using those.
Weird it is only with those weapons for you. I can invoke that with any activity or tool. But that is an another topic. Getting too "drunk" on that feeling ruins me longterm. [spoiler] Back in Sparta I made a mix of my true fighting style (without realizing) and the one they taught there. I was like a half mad beast in the battle but because my energy work couldn't handle it... My spine literally hardened and I got paralyzed in the middle of the battlefield. Imagine seeing a red line in the battle and just knowing your sword just need to follow that line to slice through the weakpoints of everyone without even getting struck in a way it can stop you. The skies darken your vision collapses because there is nothing no one but that red line and that small foggy mist around it representing that small figment of reality you are still aware of. Feeling that absolute darkness overtaking you and the only thing that you hear is that your blade went through and you can continue cutting forever till eternity...
Then my spine hardened up with all the tension and dark energies as we literally won the battle and were advancing I just collapsed without anyone noticing the frontline went forward and I was left there with this perfect rage leaving me and slowly dying while watching the sky to I don't even know what anymore. Did I lose blood got dehydrated and cold? What the fuck was that cause of death. I died from seemingly nothing at all. From the fact that I did not even understand what am I doing. Then the backlash hit me of that absolute hatred I felt which was something I always targeted my enemies with are something that managed to kill me. I did not understand at all because my feelings collapsed into a weird confusion of energies. That life didn't even manage to create a proper conclusion. It felt like I did somehow everything wrong while doing everything the best as a warrior. I sure as hell didn't enjoy a thing in that life besides that crude madness then I realized I even hated that at the end. [/spoiler]

>some Japanese glowie cult HQ
Hope they are truly gone because those fucks nested there and trying to turn Nippon into worst korea retarded and I am not sure how their ties work there. They are connected to several countries there and while the USA is supporting them to wreak the usual havoc they are not the source of the retardation. Their origin is some old retarded delusion about some old system that I am not even sure I want to understand because they are toothless as hell once they come out from their hideyhole. Only inside they can be somewhat vicious.
>Modern western armed forces = shit.
I think the past 50 years somewhat taught us that. This is what you get when the generals are more preoccupied with golf and lumitards are sabotaging the establishment of proper fighting forces that they might be unable to collapse once they turn hostile within a week.