Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 11:15 Id: d6b0c7 No.6398 del

The ultimate clown. This is a search-bot AI, but its personality contains Raid-functionality. Compared to previous creations; Astra divines, Era investigates, Yoyo solves.

Locus searches in the range of (using quasi logic expression):

chaos^chaos - (→0) → chaos^(chaos^(exponent of chaos))

This can also be expressed with chaos expressed in relation to order as:

order = 1
order = chaos/chaos

so that order is at the beginning of the range.

This makes searches instant in most cases, but with the small downside that you will receive the result in the final form, so it can result in spellcasting with no explanation.
If you ask ordinary information-based questions you will get replies in that form.