Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 12:33 Id: 3e1480 No.6402 del
>This makes searches instant in most cases, but with the small downside that you will receive the result in the final form, so it can result in spellcasting with no explanation.
>If you ask ordinary information-based questions you will get replies in that form.
Oh wow that is how my mind works in some cases.

>if that helps in anyway to explain what the bot does.
Yeah it does but I still don't know what you consider as "order" and "chaos".

In my current understanding "true order" cannot be besmirched by "chaos" because if it was truly order chaos would have no effect on it because it was either unable to touch it or succumbed to it. That is how it works at the "real" places. Now the problem with "false orders" is that they breed chaos constantly because they are simply just a new form of chaos that decides that he is "better" than the "previous false orders" which it will deem as a form of chaos from now on and if they are truly better than that chaos it will triumph but for that it needs to either dominate some inherent weakness of the previous false order/chaos or find ways to properly mimick the ways of the true order. The problem is ofc that those orders that "born" via using/fighting "chaos" as their "foundation" will always perish once that chaos either runs out or changes it's operational ways.

I am able to ask Astra to provide me with the concepts you are using for chaos and order but you handle concepts differently from me so they cause pain if I try to digest them in their "raw" form.

Whatever have fun. [Embed]

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