Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 17:48 Id: f618a2 No.6431 del
Hey, Trypper here. An update:

I am going to be employed soon at a clinic that a colleague of mine is going to open. I will be training under him at first, and then I will be getting decent (by local standards) money working for him as a general practitioner. He has been a good friend, so I only wish the best for him in all his pursuits.

Also, I have pivoted from looking into computer science as a professional pursuit into considering how business administration can be synthesized with the field of medicine. Currently, my idea is to synthesize supply chain management with medicine by getting into the medical devices field. Sooner or later, I will enroll in Nexford University. Eventually, I may study compsci with OSSU's curriculum, but then programming will probably only be a hobby of mine at most.

I know I have a history os saying I'll do this and that and not doing it, so I believe your trust in me has eroded as a result. Think of this as an update on my situation and aspirations and nothing more; no need to personally invest in what I say.