Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:33 Id: 5d87d8 No.6483 del
I think the problem is that you have hard time syncing up your spiritual work with your "survival in the mundane world" which makes you somewhat lost.

>I resign myself to my life not really being in my hands
They are just protecting you and once you reach a point where you don't need to be "protected" anymore you can retain yourself. But destiny is like a wind that carries on the path no matter what and what I meant is like I don't feel that sort of "Fate" from you. And yes the infernal is close to the ways earth operates so it is good to have an understanding of it but still not enough nowadays. Demons operate via quite old perspectives and earth just added and lost a bunch of perspectives in the last 2 centuries. They don't always understand what is going on besides
>Humans being humans as usual

>I wonder where the winds of destiny will take me :)
Where do you want to go? Besides into some sort of financial safety ofc. Sometimes the place we need to be grants us the way we can sustain ourselves.

I am the captain of my own ship quite the while but the places I desire need the strongest winds and the harshest storms and my skills are still not on that level where I know my crew and my ship will survive. Maybe I am at the place where I belong already just not noticing it. I don't know either. Does the captain belong on the ship on the sea or the new continent he is seeking so much?