Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 20:35 Id: 5d87d8 No.6550 del
(18.25 KB 941x221 Anidrymism.jpg)
>not in any dictionary
Yeah it's weird how this word doesn't exist while a bunch of variations pointing to other concepts come up with every other search engine

I am sure you are channeling your "original order". The conceptual order your real soul operates with. Maybe I can help you word it from my own view why you are getting in touch with this.

I too have the concept of "false order".
>Societal disbelief, ie Anidrymism: The rejection of societal institutions.
What you describe here is the "false order" but for me it's "rejection" was never needed because I never truly "accepted it". That does not mean I rebelled against it but as some way an unhealthy food is unhealthy it still has nutrients and it is still better than starving so I too rely on it as long as it gives benefits but I do not consider it "true order" because the chaotic way it operates and the constant problems and hypocrisy it causes cannot be called "order" at all. As a child I was somewhat a trouble maker because if someone didn't have an "air of authority" I simply ignored them. If no one respects them why should I? The problem is that kindergartners are not really people of authority and once anyone not just proves their incompetence but show no willingness to change or improve I lost all my respect towards them. And the world is full with these people so there was a reason why I had a little hard time coming to terms with them but as you said
>perpetuate themselves through coercion
It is hard to overcome coercion as long as you are a child so you have no choice but to "fall in line" and hide your own light deep within where no one can touch it. It was like downgrading yourself to an NPC. Like in MMOs once the grind happens you can automate it with macros or a bot. At that part you might still be the "player" but your purpose and occupation is not really more than the way an NPC operates. But you are still the player and the same rules apply as you are a player so even tho you behave as an NPC you are still a player. You still get banned instead of removed via a console command if you act out of line.

>Anidrymism isn't against using sociological principles against sociological manifestations.
"States" manifested via being able to maintain an army and that happens if they have a population that pays taxes to maintain that army (they either pay that tax willingly or they get coerced by the army or an another army will invade and they pay taxes to them). Therefore states cannot exist without coercion. "Civilization" can be argued that it starts the moment people can live outside or without the "wilderness" and start molding their way of life. But this concept can be complicated because "false order" and currently "society" managed to enslave itself and the inhabitants without realizing.