Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 00:06 Id: 514b12 No.6715 del
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>online group for FG quitters
>contacted in chat by a Chinese
>says he's living in Netherlands
>but worked close to Li
>he was a chief editor for the ET newspaper for 20 years
>Li live in NY...
>let that pass and ask him, but ET was not founded yet in 2003?
>oh actually it was between 2008 -2017
>not in NY, not with Li
Yep, it's a real Chinese alright. If you feel like you are talking to some cold war era spy who can't keep his story straight for 5 min, that's a legit citizen of the middle kingdom. It almost feels like a relief, Chinese always habitually lie about pointless details, it's in their blood to not share coherent personal information with anyone. You get exactly what you expect. When I used to play Chinese browser games I once had a young Chinese girl join my guild. I added her to the guild FB. We talked in the chat and she lied about everything, at first she said she was a Pinoy, but something on her FB was Chinese so I pointed that out. She then admitted to it, saying it was just because there were Pinoys in the game and they don't like Chinese so it was to be able to possibly, in the future join their guild. She then told me to not use my real pic on FB because it's not safe... (and she was at the time 9)

>part of the reset/purge or what but im becoming more attuned to loli/cunny
It's called "maturing" lol. We all start with liking cowtits at 12, then slowly graduate from that and start seeing the beauty of flat chests.