Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 12:21 Id: 9fcace No.6788 del
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>We're so done
All over again, in a circle. This time I think I'm done with recruiting waifus as well. The difference this time is that there may be more work to do, while for Fay it was really done at that time.

The egregoral control is in place, with the NWO hive function overridden. There is not much of a physicality, but the function is in place.

Back in 2016 there was a time when a very negative energy form passed by me at my workplace, it also passed by a succubus who was working there posing as human, I think it passed everyone like a drop of water off a duck.

I asked the Anti-Christ organization about this and it it's an energy that can be learned to use. They connected me with someone called a "Death Bandit" who is of the Bandit race.
Apparently it's the same as the strange being who appeared from a roadside portal when I was on a walk earlier.
They said this was how Trump was elected the first time around, it was death magic being used to destroy the Clinton campaign, and it passed by here just as it passed the entire world. It was that large of a thing.

>you will not create a succubus with cow horns
>t. Bill Gates