Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 20:01 Id: 3e1480 No.6792 del
>strings of fabric like a mummy
Oh those guys. They seemed quite chill to me. Had a dream in my teens walking in some brownish darkness and arriving in a corner where a tall dude in strings of fabric and his face fully bandaged slowly bleeding from his head just stood there. Was looking at him and seen that he is just standing there. I looked at him and stood there by myself in that corner. Realized it's just an "idle place" for people who know sometimes it's time to wait for things and not do much. Enjoying the silence of sorts. After this I wondered for like 2 weeks why I found that whole scenario completely normal and how I am completely unable consider these occurrences weird at all.

I too should look into them because I think they fulfill some role but I don't know what either. Just had a dream 2 days ago with a "rot" dimension which was like the modern world but it was always wet foggy and half of the people were a sort of zombies infected with "rot" and the survivors tried to live and as normal humans like nothing happened and my fighting instincts didn't really start because I just had a dream before it which was about learning to "erase your presence" for the sole purpose of being able to visit other realms without disturbing the "ecosystem" there... Erasing your presence requires a completely different mindset that I didn't employ for quite the time. Ofc in the human body is easy but in a spiritual body? If you do it wrongly you dampen your ability to think and to act and with that the flow of memories and other perceptions fall out and you just drift into an another stream...

And yes as someone who had no "fighting reflexes" I still managed to pin down a half zombie with a pitchfork but when I did that it made his neck longer and started to drink some brown rot from the ground and a small chicken/dinosaur jumped out of the pool while he drank from it. Because I still didn't have my fighting spirit there I felt the zombie is getting stronger and "fighting them" has no real effect so I left the room before it stops drinking the fluid. Then I wandered in the fog and found a large industrial metal barn with bulls emitting a colorful haze/aura like their fur was energetically larger. Wondered why are they immune to the rot and is this "rot" an alien organism that is here to merely collect these bulls? Then wandered away because that location felt too important to be there and once I found a corner to hide I woke up.

And this was not even the weirdest of the dreams.