Sunflower 03/23/2024 (Sat) 20:33 Id: 6da0ff No.6818 del
I am always a late adopter, and I refuse to use shady stuff, it just got to enough sophistication now that public AI became somewhat useful as a tool.

The chat function of Bing Copilot is very good for coding stuff because it can find issues and explain them, and doesn't lose its patience if you keep asking about the same things. Compared to the GPT people use for most text generation, this one provides links with sources for all claims, because it's an improved search engine. That's what made me start using it.

Text or image generation AI that's only using what's on your HDD feels like masturbation, chewing the same material over and over like a broken record. I don't like the idea, it energetically feels dead or rotten to me.