Sunflower 03/27/2024 (Wed) 23:20 Id: 6da0ff No.6911 del
(1.44 MB 2750x4000 Alice Liddell.jpg)
(113.88 KB 427x422 anna pavaga.png)
The prompt here was just "a girl sitting down showing her ankles". Dall-e somehow knows that showing ankles is an 1800s thing, so it grabbed what references exists.
Lewis Carroll took a lot of photos of a girl named Alice, and he also wrote "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" for her. The majority of "showing ankles" photos of that era are therefore influenced by her appearance.

I think you can see how the right image up there was created, it was simply a combination of that girl and another "leg shower"

The internet is very predictable once you know the "key". Begin typing her name in Bing and you get pic related. Her features are in that picture as well.

>but there are so many pictures online
Maybe not if you sort them by category, each group may have only a few references.