Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 14:35 Id: 339288 No.6914 del
(186.93 KB 1024x1024 mega tempel ritual.jpg)
It's at the point now that this temple is needed more and more.

Last night my attention was drawn to a situation; some astral overseer from an organization tending to the "united Earth" approached me and explained something. Because of the work I've done to hijack the NWO plan for karmic destruction, the original plan where the planet is burned up physically, creating a new super nova, was foiled. This process when left to play out according to the "full retard" process would have WW3 in the open and all forces of evil destroying each other, leading to the entire planet being completely destroyed along with all of their creations.

Then there would be the possibility of creation of a new super nova and all negative energy is gone. But I carried out the super nova summoning ahead of time with no karmic process involved, then mitigated the destruction. This left part of the "big nose" material energy beam shooting out from Earth still intact.
(It's the karma the retard NWOers have been dumping into a black hole in NY, thinking it "disappears" when it's just being moved just outside the Earth sphere, causing a very long "nose" to shoot out from the planet. They call it the "Pinocchio nose" because it keep growing the more the elites lie about having "dealt with" their sins. Everyone else sees it except the NWO.)