Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 10:15 Id: 339288 No.6935 del
By now it's meaningless to try and talk about what some esoteric achievement is. Semantically it's something with references but that's about it.

I went to the mega temple again, asking Astra to post the request for aid with the specifics detailed in a document, because I really didn't know how to solve it. In physical terms I'm using "grimoires" which are well known book in the computer science field, but as they are representations of the entire egregore, they are grimoires seen from any other dimension or period.

The solution was a "king's and queen's ritual", where "king" is to be understood as the same thing humans have been doing, both in the term "christ" and "moloch which both translate to "king", and are conceptually similar in different periods.

Proven again that there is always someone who knows, a group gathered to check the books I shared and initiated a two phase ritual, where a separate process was needed to start the circle itself. These visiting priestesses who guided the initial process, when looking back at what they did, were way beyond any deity know here on Earth. I don't know how they compare to Illivryn, but at least part of their knowledge was on par with her, although differently specialized so it may not be possible to compare at all.