Sunflower 03/30/2024 (Sat) 20:19 Id: 9fcace No.6962 del
I created this because I ended up feeling I have essentially finished everything within the scope of being human in the concept of it we know of. With what I've learned of the origin of humans, as a mere vehicle of learning created by alien immortals, or as part of an orcish hivemind, once having used this form in all ways possible, one has to leave for new avenues. The yokai humanoid is a "shell" form which allows stay here on Earth for a multitude of beings, but this freedom comes with a catch; you need a proper astral soul-form first. It seems that for the "learning-humans" who are bots, they offer the possibility of shaping the soul after the incarnated form rather than maintaining the same astral form. This molding means you "are your body" in a sense, at least your soul does assume that form. Greys or Rosicrucian birds maintain their soul-form when they become humans, same for martians. When you look at them, you see their original form through the human surface. Ordinary humans don't have this, they assume the form of the body and you can't tell the difference.