Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 18:58 Id: 3e1480 No.7017 del
>my soul is like a matroshka doll with differing genders so it's a bit difficult to find a permanent body
I too have something similar. It is possible to have a sort of "soul evolution" and once you figure out how to harmonize all your different forms you can unlock absurd amount of power and finesse. It's complicated and whenever I manage to harmonize some parts of myself I find even more because my internal and outer soul ecology systems go into too many directions. I am starting to understand why Buddhists warn about the dangers of the "wandering mind".
>So I really am a hyena huh?
Met some hyena type entity once but you don't look like that at all. Besides that the hyenas are scavengers and they have that prolapsed vagina like elephants therefore a matriarchy I am not sure what traits I should focus to figure out what it means to be a "hyena soul type". My guides said one of the important trait I should focus is "mercilessness". That opens up an energetic pathway and thinking process that might result in findings.

>Maybe it means something.
I think it has the pic related
>I pilot the flesh beast
He has different soul forms and they synchronize and come out differently but they too operate the same body with somewhat differing parts and archetypes (You could say the cat is the soul and the bull is the body but I am sure there is more to it). While I had a hunch everyone might have soulforms that way nowadays I am not sure anymore. Some people are clean cut singular beings while some people are multiple beings under a singular thought while some people are infected with every entity type their energy purity is compatible with. Making an unified theory that can explain all anomalies is not exactly impossible to make but I still consider it futile to put it into words on my current level. And the worst part? Dormant soul forms. Those that only appear when certain conditions are met and depends on every era how compatible they are with the energies of the surroundings of the incarnated. They can stay dormant for eons and only a very few can notice it. Those who can "detect it" are probably destined to see it. The universe can be so ridiculous sometimes.