Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 20:32 Id: a9344f No.7079 del
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>some lady drags me into a dark void/dimension where its just her and I
>says im marked by her and she wont let me go either
>somehow it had an effect with one of the gacha ive been playing recently
>a girl in a mech suit fetches me away some weird shit and she has a twin(?) or was i the twin? i dont know honestly, it was blurry
>some vampire lady bit my neck like my sisters did but for whatever reason it didn't really have a negative effect on me, as in something like this would probably turn you into a mindless thrall or something (or so ive heard)
>i still more or less had my wits about me (somehow)
>for whatever reason she looked please and had me to follow her
>i dont think i was mesmerized but it felt like the neck bite unlocked something, i went with her willingly i think
>there's a weird long scratch on the left side of my neck that i do not how i got, I did not scratch myself nor did sleep/was near anything that could scratch my neck
>there was a "dream" involving an "ex" and weird maggots
my sisters may not have been aggressive and calmed down but it feels like... thing have gotten weirder. Not that i mind, i suppose.

>back into the japanese learning grind via anki and other aids
>suddently remember i have siazable vocab over the years but just blanked out on the kanji writing since i guess i wasnt exposing myself enough to the writing system
>instead of just fuckign around with the settings on custom study for anki
>i can just go into browse cards section and search up the writing of whatever word i know via the english translation or how i remember its written/said in kana
>could have done a week or so ago and save myself the headache of doing fully braindead reviews

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