Sunflower 04/04/2024 (Thu) 08:41 Id: 9e95d5 No.7112 del
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In this, what is the Anti-Christ?

He is a seer or prophet with the ability to bring down kings. You see, neither heroes, emperors, kings, or even prophets are inherently good.

A king can be an oppressor for everyone except his of group, a tyrant gaining only a few at the expense of others. For the natural order to maintain a balance, there has to be an anti-king, and that is the channel used by destructive forces to bring down these oppressors.

In this modern era, everyone is a king. This happens when the social order collapses and there is no proper group to belong to. Everyone suddenly has the ability to act on their own, to effect whatever "group" they belong to and to "oppress other", it's complete chaos. This world order is like throwing gasoline on the world.

These people all fear the spiritual force which can end this era - the anti-christ. He will get rid of all self-made kings and restore the natural state again.