Sunflower 04/04/2024 (Thu) 20:27 Id: 3e1480 No.7127 del
Jesus realized his fate and accepted that he is a "prophet" and an events of fate have to play out so he can become a "king" that he considers as the king or the messiah itself. For that he had to carry that cross and be crowned by the thorns (that everyone thoughts it's a mere joke and nothing more) suffer alongside criminals (that he literally said he will save and forgive because he can) realize on the cross that something is extremely not right and he is powerless manipulate a soldier without realizing to mercy kill him with the spear (that he refused to hold because who live by the sword die by the sword) then live through a process of death and rebirth to culminate into a new entity that he preached and promised so much. That whole thing messed up the entire system the jews had (which was already faulty as hell since OG Judaism was meant for tribal warfare and not against conquering empires the scope was just too different) then Jesus managed to get a hold on the lost cults and they started to spread the faith of the common people where they had a "purpose" which was not about slaving and dying in constant wars. The problem was ofc they all latched to Jesus and interpreted every mysticism in the favor of Jesus and after Constantin accepted them they started to slowly change the faith to "fit" the imperial apparatus. At that level a new type of degeneracy took hold that I am still unable to comprehend. The idea and mechanisms of "good" and "evil" warped into all directions.
>everyone is a king
In chess a "king" is barely above the pawn in capabilities. People don't know what it means to be a king anymore. Because the kings we have nowadays are just ornaments and not kings not statesman nor people with power or with any responsibility. For the masses a "king" is just a dude with a crown.

Everything you said is right tho. I am not here to argue. I am just trying to put into words the way of the golden ages but I know that we cannot go "back" anymore because that is not how time works. We have to invent and reinvent things and realize they are still around it's just very few are able and willing to utilize it.
"Prophets" usually were priests that belonged to a sect that trained them. That sect had an influence and served as a gateway between the spirits and the mortals. Ofc as they lost reverence and their connection with the spirits weakened around the time Persians started to conquer left and right degeneracy started to spread way too widely. Spirits had to "grab" randoms and turn them into "prophets and kings" because someone SOMEONE HAD to make a change into this chaos. The problem when humans degenerate too much they give way for other forces to take hold and once there is no king SOMEONE needs to be a king. Someone with the will and the power. Ofc their reach depends on the spirit and on their ability to manage that but yes you cannot call this a "prophet". It is a "visionary king" at this level. The closest we have to a "prophet king" in the Old Testament is Solomon but somehow he managed to create such a mess I am still unable to see what he did exactly. I will have to read the texts then ask the entities and read that contract mess Baal dropped on my floor. Solomon promised everything because he had the power to grant it but not his descendants nor his people. He carried such a burden that everyone but him was able to hold. My head hurts as I connect to that era. There will be many unpleasant things there I know it for quite the while.