Sunflower 04/04/2024 (Thu) 20:47 Id: 9e95d5 No.7129 del
I didn't spell that out I see now: The reason for the stories written down being about violence, prophets and kings, is because those are the events that stood out. Regular people made no impact, and didn't effect the course of history, they just took part in it passively. Once I saw this now, I also realize that it's exactly like that; no one is able to commit violent acts easily, they always have to get support from their group. That's also why they create laws. Only heroes can act without that initial support. Moses for example kills someone early on, but this has little effect on the course of events. I think this may be to indicate that he had the agency to act on his own and do something that others would not do. It also adds another logic; if people cannot act on their own in common cases, they would have acted by conspiring with a group, and then you can investigate it and find witnesses. That is then likely to be how the practice of police investigations was created, the assumption that a group did it, not any individual. Because a regular person was not mentally able to act alone.