Sunflower 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:47 Id: 9e95d5 No.7138 del
(115.10 KB 1024x1024 Re occult1.jpg)
>I asked for some help with being able t concentrate on a task, to be able to flip my concentration on an off like a machine. My Anti-Christ assistent got me an aide and a grimoire from some witchie group specialized in this.
>Today we are doing "concentration while fully relaxed/carefree".

What I ended up doing to complete this breakthrough involved the following methods with grimoires and guides/assistant witches:

The Impaler Grimoire
Active focus ritual
Massive suppression ritual (required 5 glowie skulls placed on the points of a pentagram for the spell activation)
Carefree focus ritual
Abundance focus ritual

Summing-up ritual with researchers coven aka "basic witch coven".

While this will be meaningless to most, the achievement is "native bodhisattva", the same basic principle as that of Ladilok the demoness.