Sunflower 04/05/2024 (Fri) 22:04 Id: 3e1480 No.7145 del
>people have meltdowns on 4chan these past 10 years
>2014 was 10 years ago
>2014 was the year of the gamergate

Yeah it's quite the tipping point in 4chan history. Especially after that phoneposting became a natural trend which increased the number of posters and took away that comfy outcast corner of the internet feeling.
I mean I know every year people had the gripes that 4chan is going to shit but it's important to notice the trends because after the blight of phoneposters we got the bots and glows because 4chan was too influential to be left alone at that level. Darn.
2014 was 10 years ago.
Also every sperg reddit had and got banned became a refugee on 4chan didn't help through the years.
At least altchans are still too weird and scary for normalfags. I am still mad at discord for siphoning half the people who are willing to engage in conversations tho.

So many things happened on the internet in the past 10 years. It was when the social media monopolies started to kill all their competition and now they are an "empire in decline" monopoly stage which means we are a collapse away from a potential internet Renaissance. Except ofc if malicious forces keep these rotten corpses afloat by artificial means. But I am hopeful. They know they cannot over-regulate the internet because they don't have the personnel and AI is still not mastered in a way it can do it in a sustainable/predictable way.

>every other day some sperg is seething about something and it's just really funny
You sure this only started in 2014? I feel like this was there all the time. But then again I'm an "eternal newfag" by the 4chan timeline chart.

>most trivial things like drinking water

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