Sunflower 04/06/2024 (Sat) 02:13 Id: b04113 No.7146 del
I remember 2014 was around the year when I left 4chan for 8chan. I miss that place. After it got shut down I thought for sure a replacement would pop up in a week or two but it just never happened. A few attempts popped up but they were always ruined by the fact that they were sustained almost entirely by people shilling the site on 4chan. Which meant most of the traffic was just random people following a spam link and then leaving immediately afterwards. Discord really has done an immense amount of damage to the online space, maybe even as much as the iphone did. Seems like most people nowadays are part of some private offsite clique, just poking their head into imageboards for inauthentic "shitposting" and trolling.