Sunflower 04/06/2024 (Sat) 19:26 Id: 1546a9 No.7152 del
The only reason the bible at large, including the new testament, has a strong structure and actually works, is the combination of archetypes inserted by oral tradition, mistranslations by illiterate monks and that even evil scum can be good channels.

The new testament has a very strong energy structure, but from the view of some authors, supposing they wrote the text themselves, what they said was intended in the complete opposite of the stated result. Whether these texts can be used for personal ascension or if they will be used to feed the energy system of lies, is entirely a result of the person reading it. That's the real magic of texts like the Roman letter by Saul/Paulus. His intentions are all but pure, he just has a mind that allows for the structure to be channelled, in full, so that it can be exposed exactly as it is. He does a lot of exposing of evil, simply because he knows evil. The solution is not given in the text, but it also cannot be, because that is the part where you internalize it. Failing to do so will turn one into the classic Christ-cuck fanboy who can only parrot phrases but not apply them. That's how the whole "faith" business came to exist at all. The test of some of these texts is that they are pure cringe, for a sane and honest person to read them with full focus takes a lot of endurance. Only someone as cringy as the text itself will be able to take it seriously in an unironic or non-intellectual manner.