Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 09:33 Id: 9e95d5 No.7155 del
>the Roman letter by Saul/Paulus
I will now explain how he is wrong, but how this text can be applied correctly.

Paulus argues that Adam committed the original sin which made all humans sinful after him. If one person can make everyone sinful, then one person can logically also make everyone free from sin again. The person who can do that is Jesus. By sacrificing himself on the cross, he reversed the original sin.

Next argument is that Abraham and his offspring were meant to follow the laws given by God to Moses, but they have since lived in sin, and no one who follows these laws can become free of sin again by following them. Instead, the way to become free from sin is to not follow the laws but instead seek the original intent of the laws from God directly. This assumption sounds logical, but it was made up by Paulus himself. He then goes on to argue that to remain free from sin, one must not act at all - any application of the law will automatically lead to sin, as evidenced by history. So the solution is to pretend that we are closer to God by not following the law, but instead having faith in the "original intent of God" which is beyond the law. No one can also say anything about it, because sinners can't judge sinners!

Whoever then criticises him or anyone using this argument, will be accused for "lacking faith in Christ", which means to say that you do not accept his "reversal of the original sin".

Now let me take this apart:

The original sin by Adam was to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This symbolizes the dimension descent from original chaos, into a state of manifestation into the two material planes which are ruled by evil and then the next plane counters this by being good. If you want to reverse this "original sin", you need to stop using the material dimensions of good and evil. Paulus misconception here is that he has an unclear idea of "impurity" having somehow been inflicted on Adam and his offspring through a single act. The real "sin" is the continual usage of the material dimensions of good and evil. Every person does this, so it's more correct to compare it to scientific discovery. The original discovery made it possible to use these concepts, but you cannot go back in time and reverse discovery! If you want the new knowledge to not be used, you just stop using it yourself. This means the "original sin" is not something that happened once, performed by Adam. It happens in every generation, every human born into the dimensions of good and evil are "sinning" by being incarnated. The reversal of the sin must then be performed by every individual themselves. Jesus sacrificing himself has no effect on anyone else, he just reversed his own sin of being born, by dying.

This in turn nullifies Paulus argument that you can "remain pure" by not following the law. It would have worked if you would indeed reverse the original sin of being manifested in good and evil, but you weren't, if you refer to Jesus dying. That means the "faith" is just an excuse to not follow the law, you are still a sinner, but worse - you are now a sinner who thinks you are better than others for not following the law!

This is how Christianity creates evil, and how the Jesuits went as far as thinking it's ok to support abortion or slaughter children. They think they are freed from sin eternally by God, through Jesus' death, and that all laws are then void and they can do anything.

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